How To Efficiently Run Your Air Conditioner This Summer

Residential Air Conditioner System / Tips

Summer-time means beaches, backyard cricket, and really, really hot summer afternoons. Cold beers off the ice aren’t the only way to cool-off, and they certainly aren’t the most health conscious (though probably the most fun). Don’t bring the summer heat inside! If you live in Australia, you almost definitely have an air conditioner. 

Don’t discomfort yourself because of an expensive air conditioner running cost. What you need to do is learn what the best temperature for air conditioning is for summer in Australia and ways you can efficiently run your air conditioner. You might think that you just turn your air conditioning on and be done with it from there. However, there are definitely tricks you can use to reduce your cost and maximise your cooling. Here’s how to use an air conditioner economically.

buy Gabapentin 100mg 7 Ways To Run Your Air Conditioner Efficiently in Summer

Zgierz Number 1

Check the Energy Rating Before You Buy

The first recommendation we have for you doesn’t even have anything to do with running your air conditioner. It’s something you should do before you even buy, which is check the energy rating. The energy rating is a glaring observation qualified professionals have made over how little power a machine uses to cool a room. 

Most people think the energy rating is a scale of how eco-friendly an air conditioner is, which is true. However, because of the energy efficiency, it also means how little power, or how little money, the air conditioner needs to run. Typically, greater the energy rating, greater the saving. 


Number 2

Know How Big Your Space Is and The Size of Air Conditioner You Need

The smaller the air conditioner does not mean the more efficient, or the less money you will spend on your power bill. A 2.5kW wall mounted AC will not always use less power than a 5kW wall mounted AC. If your room is a big space, the 2.5kW AC will work overtime and use lots of power to cool it. Meanwhile, the 5kW AC will easily cool the room on lower settings and will use less energy.


Number 3

Cool Down Your Space Before It Gets Hot

It is far easier to maintain the temperature of a room than it is to cool it down. An air conditioner trying to cool a hot room will be under significant stress. If you maintain a constant temperature with your air conditioner, before it gets hot, at less extreme temperatures, it will be under less stress and cost you less money. The best temperature for an AC to save money is a constant temperature. 

Start your air conditioner early and keep it at the same temperature throughout the day! It is more efficient to leave the air conditioning on all day at a reasonable temperature than it is to put it on for short blasts!


Number 4 

Reduce Heat Transfer Between Rooms and Make Your Cooling Space as Small as Possible

When you start your air conditioner, the space in which it can cool is limited. There is no need to make that space bigger by having the doors to other rooms you’re not using open. These rooms will have their own heat, and will warm up the area which the aircon can successfully cool, putting stress on the system. 

Set  the optimal air conditioning temperature then close the doors to surrounding rooms when you are using the system so it can work the best. 


Number 5

You Service Your Car Regularly So It Runs Well. Do The Same For Your Air Conditioner!

Servicing your air conditioner is just as important as servicing your car. It needs to be done and cannot be skipped. Your air conditioner has moving mechanical parts that wear down over time. The air intake of your air conditioner can become clogged with dust and debris. If this happens, it will take double the power for your air conditioner to run at the best temperature for your air conditioner in summer.

Getting your air conditioner serviced regularly means it will run on less power and will be less likely to break on you.


Number 6

Don’t Let The Summer Heat Into Your Home. Use Insulation!

Needless to say, prevention is better than cure. Insulate your house so the heat doesn’t come in to begin with. Make sure you draw the blind when the sun starts coming in, use reflective technologies on roofs, and actually use insulation in your roof and walls. This will reduce the stress on your air conditioner significantly. 

The most efficient temperature for air conditioning depends on the temperature of the room. Insulation will mean the most efficient temperature becomes less strenuous on your system. 


Number 7

Roughly What Temperature is Efficient?

Each system and each house will have a different optimum air conditioner temperature in Australia. However, according to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, as a general rule of thumb, people tend to go for 22? to 23?, with the most efficient temperatures being around 24? to 25?.

When trying to find the best temperature for your air conditioner, you should look through your user guide or even as an air conditioning professional. 


Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced By Professionals Before Summer 

Make sure you get your air conditioner serviced before summer. There’s no point having it run at half capacity for the busiest time, all summer long. That will just waste your time and money. Additionally, you don’t want it breaking on you on a scorching hot summer day. Just get it serviced beforehand! 

When it comes to the best air conditioning in Perth installations and solutions, All Air Services ranks among the best on the market. This is because we have been providing our solutions for over 15 years in Perth and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. We have; a fully local, permanent team with a fantastic culture, superior quality brands, minimum downtime with our fully equipped service vehicles, and a premium customer service. 

We will provide you with a complete turnkey solution at All Air Services with a complete; shop, installation and service/repair family that you can rely on.

Do not hesitate, contact us now or browse our brands today! We are waiting for your call.

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