Quality Evaporative Air Conditioning Services in Perth

Evaporative air conditioners providing cooling comfort through the natural process of evaporation

Common applications for evaporative cooling systems

  • Suitable for heating and cooling your entire home, large or small
  • Providing fresh, cool air free of odours, pollen and other contaminants
  • Suitable for Western Australia’s hot and dry climate conditions
  • Energy efficient heating and cooling solution

What to consider when choosing an evaporative air conditioner

Evaporative air conditioners provide cooling comfort through the natural process of evaporation. Dry, hot air is extracted from the outside and is passed through cooling pads where the heat is absorbed leaving behind cool air, which is then circulated throughout your home by an internal fan.

Evaporative air conditioners are the cheapest and most environmentally friendly way of cooling your home. This makes them an ideal option for those looking to cool their home, while reducing their environmental impact and energy usage.


Is an evaporative air conditioner right for you?

Discover the pros and cons of an evaporative AC system.


Evaporative air conditioning pros

  • Calarcá Energy-efficient. Evaporative air conditioning systems can be cheaper to run, only requiring a fan and water pump to power. The system can use 75% less electricity than a typical air conditioner.
  • where do u buy Clomiphene Filters air effectively. Filter pads have been designed to trap dust and pollen particles, making it a great option for people with allergies and looking for fresh air .
  • Eco-friendly. Evaporative AC systems do not use refrigerants for cooling, which can emit greenhouse gases.
  • Easier and cheaper to install. Thanks to a simple design and fewer parts, evaporative systems are reasonably cheap to repair and install.
  • Effective in dry climates. Known for our scorching heat and dry summers, Perth offers up an ideal climate for an evaporative air conditioner to provide cool, fresh air on a hot summer’s day.

Evaporative air conditioning cons

  • Limited by climate. Does not perform well in humid climates or during rainy periods due to the amount of moisture outside of the system. Using an evaporative cooler in humid conditions may cause corrosion and condensation. 
  • Basic air filter system. Many airborne irritants and odours may be missed. Filters must also be replaced periodically as they start to deteriorate and become less effective at cooling.
  • Uses water. Evaporative air conditioners require water to create cool air and can use up to 25 litres of water an hour depending on the fan speed and humidity.
  • Less control. Because evaporative AC systems rely on water and the evaporative process to create cool air, you’ll have less control over the temperature in your home or office.

We can help you decide which aircon system is best for you

At All Air Services, we understand the necessity of having a properly installed air conditioning system that is energy efficient and effective and keeping you cool and comfortable without any issues.

Enjoy peace of mind as our experienced and qualified team in Perth work with you to determine a custom air conditioning solution that satisfies all your needs. For both established homes and building new homes, find comfort in your decision with All Air Services.

Contact us for an absolute all-year comfort solution today. We also provide multi split system air conditioner maintenance and repair services.


Breakdown service call out and urgent repair

Air conditioner units always face the risk of breakdowns. This is why we highly recommend having your air conditioning in Perth regularly serviced and maintained for cleanliness and blockages by a qualified technician.

We understand that it can be frustrating if your air conditioning or refrigeration system breaks down, but you can rely on us to get it back up and running fast, with minimal fuss.

Hear what our clients have to say

Reliable Process

At initial inquiry through to installation of replacement air-conditioner, I found each person of the company reliable and helpful at each stage.

Richard Troth

High Level of Care

Very professional approach and a job well done, on schedule and with a high level of care and attention to detail.

Geoff Roy

Professional and Punctual

Highly recommended! Shannon was my installer. Super friendly and best price for my Mitsubishi industries Ac unit and install. Definitely my go-to for new installs.

Alvin Tan

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